Offerings during the lockdown

During the COVID-19 pandemic, giving to churches changed, due to their care and concern for their members.

A couple of ways of continuing to give are: 

1) Sending a check to Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 688 Dakota Ave S, Huron, SD 57350, using the offering envelopes you have received

2) Giving electronically. The simplest way for you to give electronically, should you choose to, is through the bill pay services offered by your bank. 

Here are some guidelines for using bill pay: 

1. Set the church up as biller in your bill pay account. 

2. Put your offering envelope number as the account number. 

3. You can designate the fund(s) where you want the money to go (general, missions, building, preschool) in the memo line. 

4. Schedule either a one time or recurring payment. 

5. Verify that the payment cleared your account. 

We realize electronic giving is not a fit for everyone, and are not suggesting that people need to adopt this method of giving at this time. We are just letting people know it is a tool available which may be helpful. 

We thank you for giving to Mt. Calvary, so that we can continue to meet our financial obligations, pay salaries, offer benefits to employees, pay for insurance, keep the building lit and heated, and many other things. Most importantly, we thank you for giving to help the Christian mission and expanding ministry of Mt. Calvary!
